Price Acoustic Analysis consists of our industry leading software and application design assist service. Both of these free tools can reduce project costs and risk often associated when acoustical consultants are not involved on a project. Acoustic Analysis is described below in more detail.



Price has spent thousands of hours and dollars creating the best noise path analysis and prediction software in the industry. This powerful tool utilizes various reputable sources to provide detailed noise modeling and prediction through a very friendly user interface. in addition, the software creates reports and schedules in addition to various relevant documentation such as installation details and specifications. This software tool is already used by hundreds of engineers and acoustical consultants and runs off the All-ln-One (AIO) software platform.


Price is able to provide free application and selection assistance on projects that do not have acoustical consultants. Our experienced team is able to save engineering time and reduce project budgets by providing the most cost effective and transparent noise control solutions in the industry. In addition to selecting the most cost effective products and recommending their location, Price can also provide schedules, specifications, drawings and complete reports as needed.




The Price Noise Control Performance Guarantee is unique in the industry. We guarantee the estimated noise criteria and pressure drop based on provided project information when performing our Acoustic Analysis service.

Most manufacturers provide optimal performance data that does not always accurately reflect project conditions.
The Price Noise Control Performance Guarantee can protect the design team from unforseen risks that often occur when last minute changes or space constraints lead to non-ideal duct layouts. For more information please contact us at



The Price All-In-One (AIO) selection software is the most advanced noise control product selection tool in the industry.

Features include:

  • Product selection by Performance, Design Criteria or Model Number
  • Control of numerous guidelines including insertion loss (IL), pressure drop (in.w.g.) and airflow (cfm & fpm)
  • Ability to change product properties such as material, gauge and liners
  • Silencer schedule creation in excel and pdf
  • Integration with Price Acoustic Analysis software

For more information please visit the software page



Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an intelligent 3D model-based process that provides engineering and construction professionals with the tools to more efficiently design, plan and construct buildings and infrastructure.

  • Price provides a full downloadable Revit library of our Noise Control products that can be used for BIM
  • A wide variety of Noise Control products are available for download including Silencers and Acoustic Panels
  • Custom Price Noise Control Revit models are available - please contact for more information



Price Industries is the largest air distribution company in North America and as a result is able to provide the most complete integrated systems solution. We consider the entire HVAC system and in many cases offer unique solutions that are either lab-rated or can be tested in our multiple mock-up test facilities.

We are the only Noise Control company that offers a complete solution that ultimately saves design time and reduces risk. Price considers variables including energy consumption (pressure drop), space, cost and indoor air quality (IAQ) to provide the best project solution. These variables are discussed in more detail below.



Providing silencers based on pressure drop requirements and system layout allows designers to minimize energy consumption. Some of our silencers do not add any pressure drop to the system and our software can account for system effects resulting from non-ideal inlet and outlet silencer conditions.


Design constraints often include space restrictions. Price understands that every project is different and as a result offers silencers in 0.01" dimensional increments and transitions to ensure this is never a problem. Our silencer sizing options ensure that designers are never restricted and at the same time noise requirements are satisfied.


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