Engineer's Handbook

Edition 2

An updated combination of fundamental principles, ongoing research, and building-design guidance.

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Chapter Summaries

Chapter 1

Basics of HVAC

0.0 PDH Credits - 19 pages

This chapter discusses the function of HVAC Systems, describes HVAC operating characteristics, including zoning, solar loading, constant air volume and variable air volume. Also outlined and described here are the components of different air systems.

Chapter 2

Fluid Mechanics

2.0 PDH Credits - 20 pages

This chapter focuses on the fundamental concepts of fluid mechanics as they specifically relate to the HVAC industry, including friction losses, pressure measurement, and induction.

Chapter 3

Heat Transfer

3.0 PDH Credits - 33 pages

This chapter reviews the basic heat transfer processes that are relevant to the HVAC industry, and defines introductory HVAC concepts relevant to later chapters in the Handbook.

Chapter 4

Indoor Environmental Quality

5.0 PDH Credits - 37 pages

This chapter focuses on the factors of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) that are directly affected by HVAC systems, namely indoor air quality and thermal comfort.

Chapter 5


12.0 PDH Credits - 61 pages

This chapter focuses on the study and analysis of the thermodynamic properties of moist air and the application of these properties in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning process.

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